Cross-sector collaboration, driven by innovation and care for the community
What is the AACN?
The Alamo Area Community Network (AACN) is an alliance of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) working to improve the health and well-being of individuals and families in the San Antonio region. Learn More.
Benefits of AACN Partners

Faster Referrals
CBOs in the AACN can conduct electronic referrals to other partner organizations on behalf of their clients.

Closed-loop Referrals
CBOs in the AACN can increase communication and collaboration with peer organizations to identify client and community needs.

Efficient use of Resources
The AACN aims to reduce duplicative services, identify gaps in the service array, and collaborate to break down silos.

Data for your Organization
Data generated from referrals, needs assessments, and demographic data can be used for funding purposes and strategic initiatives.
Start the journey to becoming an Alamo Area Community Network (AACN) partner organization by following these simple steps.

1. Review Timeline
Learn about the AACN and if joining is right for your organization.

2. Read the Network Participation Standards (NPS)
Sign and return the PDF to start the process.

3. Apply to Join the AACN
AACN Leadership Committee reviews and approves completed applications quarterly.
Alamo Area Community Network (AACN)
The AACN launched in September 2020 with 28 Community Based Organizations (CBO’s) including an insurance payer and a medical provider, Autism Lifeline Links, United Way HOPES, and Dual Generation Initiatives, and Connect Ability. The City of San Antonio and several divisions of the Dual Generation Initiatives joined the AACN in January 2021 in response to mandates outlined in our city’s COVID Recovery & Resiliency Plan. A current list of AACN community organizations is available at here.
Our core partners:

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